CT-26 Orthotopic Model (1)

We have profiled the tumorigenicity of CT-26 mouse colon carcinoma as a flank model in BALB/c mice. Our model displays aggressive metastatic tumor kinetics as a syngeneic model for tailored immunotherapeutic drug discovery.

Metastatic Potential

CT-26 cells have been shown to metastasize to the liver, lungs, and lymph nodes, making it a valuable model for studying cancer metastasis.

Fast-Growing Tumors

The CT-26 tumors grow rapidly and can be established easily in mice, which allows for quick testing of potential therapeutic agents.


CT-26 tumors are highly immunogenic and induce a strong host immune response, which allows for the study of immunotherapeutic agents.

CT-26 Murine Colorectal Carcinoma Model

CT26 is a well-studied rapid growing highly metastatic carcinoma for both flank and orthotopic models.

CT-26 cells are murine colorectal carcinoma cells from a BALB/c mouse.These cells are clones of the N-nitroso-N-methylurethane (NMU) induced undifferentiated CT26 colon carcinoma cell line. They have fibroblast morphology and will form tumors and metastases post implantation in BALB/c or immunocompromised mice.

One of the most commonly used murine solid tumor models, CT-26 mouse models are highly immunogenic tumor models, sensitive with objective response rates to a variety of immune checkpoint inhibitors.

Common treatments of colorectal cancer are surgery (Laproscopic, Colostomy, Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) or cryoablation), radiation therapy (External, Stereotactic, Intraoperative, and Brachytherapy), Chemotherapy (Capecitabine, Fluorouracil, Irinotecan,Oxaliplatin, Trifluridine/tipiracil) along with targeted therapies (Anti-angiogenesis therapy or epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) inhibitors).

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