High Content Imaging

Our expertise in high content imaging and cell based assays will quickly translate your product into the clinic within the most pertinent biological systems. Experience the incredible capabilities of the Revvity Operetta CLS.
Cell Painting Assays
Cell painting provides a quantitative and unbiased morphometric and phenotypic readout across 5+ parameters at once. The goal is to identify specific morphological profiles under your test articles based on cellular size, shape, texture, and countless other variables. Couple this with your target of interest and the data to use your resources efficiently, while getting an abundance of data.
Flow Cytometry Services
Flow cytometry is a powerful tool and the cornerstone of single cell characterization and quantitation. We offer a wide variety of platforms to effectively address your needs. From 2-color conventional flow to 20+ color spectral flow to FACS, our flow team offers unparalleled expertise.
Assay Development Services
If your most critical questions cannot be directly addressed with a standard cell based assay, we specialize at developing and validating custom assays to address specific biologies.
Technical Capabilities
High-throughput, high-content confocal microscopy with quantitative read-outs and representative high-resolution images. Instruments have capabilities for bright field and multicolor immunofluorescence imaging to handle your experimental needs. Data is processed by a team of experts capable of creating novel or custom analyses to probe for unique and uncharacterized targets and phenomena.
Ichor’s team has extensive experience optimizing protocols for spheroid generation. The dimensions of the spheroids are robustly characterized with our high-content imaging cytometers, ensuring batch-to-batch consistency. This allows for a high degree of experimental reliability in our in vitro and in vivo assays.
- Immunoprecipitation (single targets and protein complexes)
- Western Blotting
- qPCR
- Enzyme Kinetic Assays
- Cell Painting and High Content Imaging
- Organelle labeling and subcellular localization
- Cellular uptake and half-life of biologics
- High-throughput cell migration assays
- Custom high-throughput cytotoxicity screening
- Target validation studies
- Assay design and optimization
- Senescence induction in dozens of cell lines
- Foam cell lipid accumulation (Macrophage atherosclerosis model)
- Hematopoietic cell differentiation and CFU assays
Ichor offers a variety of standard cell assays. Our assays can be assessed colorimetrically, fluorescently, or via luminescence to accommodate a wide variety of cell and reagent types.
- Apoptosis assays (Cleaved Caspase 3 & Annexin V Staining)
- Proliferation Assays (automated cell counter, Ki-67. EdU)
- Viability Assays (MTT, trypan blue, and others)
- Phenotypic Cell Assays (Cell Painting, Confluency, Morphology, Fragmentation, ROS-ID, Aggresome)
Custom Assay Examples
Glioblastoma Spheroid Screening
Examine your molecule in one of our established in-vitro 3D tumor models. Our high-throughput imaging cytometers can screen hundreds of conditions simultaneously in comparison to current standards of care.
We can generate spheroids of precise dimensions, and have our surgical team implant them into our catalog of in-vivo models.
Optimized Cellular Targeting of Biologics
Our high throughput cell penetrating peptide (CPP) screens are designed to optimize cellular selectivity and organelle tropism based on target cell membrane physicochemistry and intracellular trafficking machinery.
Frequently Asked Questions
Ichor has a wide variety of standard and specialized cell assay services. However, our specialty is generating custom assays and approaching scientific problems with “out-of-the-box” thinking. Customers frequently approach us because they could not find service providers willing to customize assay parameters.
All raw data and images will be shared through your preferred electronic medium. We will also send presentations containing annotated data and experimental procedures.
Experimental timelines can vary depending on the design. We can typically turn around data packages in 2-3 weeks from the time of receiving reagents.
If you are unsure which cell based assay to choose, one of our experts will be happy to discuss logical and cost effective options to best answer your scientific questions.