Exploring Syngeneic Mouse Models in Cancer Research

Cancer research seeks to develop our understanding of tumor development, progression, and treatment response, the use of syngeneic mouse models enhances research through investigating the complexities of cancer biology. Syngeneic mouse models offer a controlled experimental environment, providing an insight into the interplay between cancer cells and the immune system.

Syngeneic Mouse Models:

By implanting cancer cells that are derived from the same mouse species as the host, syngeneic mouse models create a shared genetic background that ensures that the host’s immune system recognizes the implanted cancer cells. This is primarily utilized in cancer research to study the interactions between immune response and the tumor microenvironment.

Syngeneic mouse models are often modified to induce tumor growth, this allows for the observation of disease progression, and a comprehensive study of the immune system's interaction with the tumor. As a result, syngeneic mouse models enable a thorough study of immunotherapeutic approaches, and the evaluation of treatment effectiveness, in a biological microenvironment that resembles a natural setting.

Syngeneic Orthotopic Mouse Model:

The syngeneic orthotopic mouse model further refines this concept, providing an accurate representation of cancer progression, because the cancer cells are implanted into the relevant organ or tissue, it mimics their natural growth environment. Offering insights into tumor behavior, invasion, and metastasis, a syngeneic orthotopic mouse model closes the gap between experiments and clinical reality. Observation of responses to treatment in anatomically relevant setting, through the syngeneic orthotopic mouse model, will help you refine therapeutic strategies.

Available Syngeneic Mouse Models:

Our range of syngeneic mouse models and syngeneic orthotopic mouse model each have distinct applications and significance within cancer research:

PDAC Mouse Model: UNKC06141

The UNKC6141 model is useful in understanding pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma progression, metastasis and heterogeneity.

B16-F10 Mouse Model

B16-F10 is used in both syngeneic and immunocompromised mouse models and is useful in studying tumor regression in melanoma models.

Lewis Lung Carcinoma Mouse Model: LL/2

The LL/2 mouse model serves in generating applicable syngeneic tumor characterization of immunotherapies that can be beneficial to lung cancer.

Renca Mouse Model

Renca is a mouse renal adenocarcinoma cell line that is used in generating syngeneic mouse models, its characteristics make it a prime model for studies on angiogenesis and immune checkpoint inhibitors such as PD-1.

CT-26 Mouse Model

Derived from BALB/c mice, this colon cancer mouse model is useful for murine solid tumors and immunogenic tumor models for colorectal cancer.

EMT6 Mouse Model

The EMT6 mouse model is a highly effective tool in immuno-oncology research due to its favourable immune profile, and responsiveness to immune checkpoint blockades.

4T1 Mouse Model

4T1 cells most closely mimic triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) which is responsible for over 17% of breast cancer worldwide per year and thus serve as the ideal model for preclinical TNBC studies.

Applying Syngenetic Mouse Models in Research

Preclinical Drug Development

The use of syngeneic immunocompetent mice in syngeneic mouse models will deliver effective tests for the efficacy of potential therapeutics in immunocompetent systems. Through testing tumor growth inhibition, overall survival rates, and treatment-related toxicities, you will be able to make decisive decisions on the advancement of drug candidates in clinical trials.

Immunology and Immune Responses

Syngeneic mouse models provide a platform to investigate the mechanisms of immune evasion by tumors and in the evaluation of the efficacy of immunomodulatory agents, which will aid in developing immunotherapies.

Cancer Research

These models aid in studying tumor growth, metastasis, and it interaction between tumors and the immune system, a syngeneic orthotopic mouse model will help in testing new cancer therapies, developing an understanding of immune responses to tumors, and investigating mechanisms of resistance.

Mechanistic Studies

Offering a controlled environment, syngeneic mouse models allow the intricate mechanism of cancer cells to be studied to understand cancer progression, immune response modulation, and therapeutic resistance, informing the development of targeted therapies.

Tumor Biology Studies

Syngeneic mouse models will allow the study of tumor biology, particularly around tumor growth kinetics, metastasis patterns, genetic alterations, and immune cell infiltration within the tumor microenvironment. Granting the ability to characterize specific tumor subtypes and the identification of potential therapeutic targets.

Our syngeneic mouse models will help your unique project needs!

Most projects start within 4 weeks.

Frequently Asked Questions

Typical studies can be executed within 3-4 weeks of signing a quote. During this time, specific cell lines will be expanded in culture and models prepared. Typical models take 4-6 weeks for completion post initiation.

Yes! Our team at Ichor can work with your team to develop new model onboarding. We have a vast selection of syngeneic cell lines available for use and our team of experts will work with you to meet your needs.