Unconventional Thinking
Unprecedented Doing
I Think Therefore Ichor
Full-Service CRO
You can overcome even the most demanding challenges with our curated team of highly experienced scientists and our extensive list of CRO services. Through engaged collaboration and fully customizable study designs, we tackle everything from single studies to entire programs and help you solve problems from ideation through IND.
Our dedicated team stops at nothing to deliver the highest quality research.
Our workflows emphasize method robustness and experimental reproducibility.
Our success story was built through establishing new conventions in our industry.
Interested in joining our team?
Transact in Crypto
Ichor supports making research accessible to anyone interested in conducting rigorous investigations.
Cryptocurrency increases the efficiency and ease of transactions, giving potential new clients more flexibility.
Contract research organizations (CROs) have emerged as key drivers of scientific innovation by creating a network powered by global collaboration, highly specialized expertise, and leveraging advanced technologies.
Ichor Life Sciences acknowledges that the evolving landscape of research reflects a shift towards decentralization (DeSci) that not only enhances the efficiency and speed of scientific inquiry, but also opens up new possibilities for groundbreaking discoveries that transcend traditional boundaries.
We are interested in empowering not only large corporations and academic institutions, but individuals who are looking to find answers, replicate results, or explore new possibilities.
We coordinate with clients directly to structure transactions in a way that is optimal for all parties. Learn more by emailing info@ichorlifesciences.com.